Concise Minutes - Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Meeting time: 08.54 - 11.18
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

John Griffiths AM (Chair)

Gareth Bennett AM

Janet Finch-Saunders AM

Siân Gwenllian AM

Bethan Jenkins AM

David Melding AM

Rhianon Passmore AM

Jenny Rathbone AM

Joyce Watson AM


Lesley Griffiths AM, Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs

Carl Sargeant AM

Neil Hemington, Welsh Government

Martin Swain, Welsh Government

Emma Williams, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Naomi Stocks (Clerk)

Chloe Davies (Deputy Clerk)

Jonathan Baxter (Researcher)

Osian Bowyer (Researcher)

Stephen Davies (Legal Adviser)

Jennifer Cottle (Legal Adviser)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

1.1 The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public to the meeting.

1.2 Apologies for absence were received from Janet Finch-Saunders AM for items 1-5. David Melding AM substituted for Janet for items 1-5.

1.3 John Griffiths AM declared a relevant interest.



2       Inquiry into fire safety in high rise blocks in Wales: evidence session 7

2.1 The Committee received evidence from:

·         Lesley Griffiths AM, Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs

·         Carl Sargeant AM, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children

·         Martin Swain, Deputy Director, Community Safety, Welsh Government

·         Emma Williams, Deputy Director, Housing Policy, Welsh Government

·         Neil Hemington, Head of Planning, Welsh Government


2.2 During the session the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children and his officials agreed to provide:

·         figures for buildings that were pre-registered ahead of the new building regulations in 2016, and so would not have been fitted with sprinklers despite being built after 2016;

·         information about the maximum length of time allowed between applying for building regulations and building work commencing;

·         information on when the revised guidance on Fire Safety in Purpose-Built Blocks of Flats will be made available;

·         clarification on the statutory duty on building developers to consult with fire and rescue authorities following the initial submission of building plans.



3       Paper(s) to note



3.1   Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt

3.1.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt.



3.2   Correspondence from the Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt

3.2.a The Committee noted the correspondence from the Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt.



3.3   Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Education to the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt

3.3.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Education to the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt.



3.4   Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt

3.4.a The Committee noted the letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to Communities First - lessons learnt.



3.5   Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Education from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill

3.5.a The Committee noted the letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Education from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill.



3.6   Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill

3.6.a The Committee noted the letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill.



3.7   Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill

3.7.a The Committee noted the letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill.



3.8   Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill

3.8.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee in relation to the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill.



3.9   Letter from the Secretary of State for Wales to the Llywydd in relation to the Implementation of the Wales Act 2017

3.9.a The Committee noted the letter from the Secretary of State for Wales to the Llywydd in relation to the Implementation of the Wales Act 2017.



3.10Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children to the Chair of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill

3.10.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children to the Chair of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill.



3.11Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children to the Chair of the Finance Committee in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill

3.11.a The Committee noted the letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children to the Chair of the Finance Committee in relation to the Abolition of the Right to Buy and Associated Rights (Wales) Bill.



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (vi) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

4.1 The Committee agreed the motion.



5       Inquiry into fire safety in high rise blocks in Wales: discussion of evidence received under item 2

5.1 The Committee discussed the evidence and agreed to write to the Cabinet Secretaries on a number of matters raised.



6       Consideration of approach to scrutiny of the Welsh Government budget 2018-19

6.1 The Committee conisdered and agreed its approach to scrutiny of the Welsh Government budget 2018-19.



7       Consideration of the draft report on the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill

7.1 The Committee agreed its draft report on the LCM on the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill.
